Sail Al-Kfiri writes: Hate speech from within (6)

Reference must be made to the efforts of some local, Arab and international organizations in combating hate speech: 1- Syrian Center for Information and Freedom of Expression, the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (Mada ‘a), the Gulf Center for Human Rights (GCHR) and the Skills Foundation announced a founding statement for the establishment … Read more

Sail Al-Kfiri writes: Hate speech from within (5)

Ways of combating hate speech in Syria: 1. Raising awareness through hosting workshops for workers in the press and various media and training them on how to respond to hate speech and combat it and promoting moral and rational aspects of dealing with events, Working to strengthen the general national partnership, conducting local training courses … Read more

Sail Al-Kfiri writes: Hate speech from within (4)

There are four main factors that have contributed to fuelling and increasing hate speech: First: the international factor of competition and conflict over the region’s spheres of influence and wealth is led by two historical adversaries; Russia and America, with the media required to wash people’s brains around the clock as required by their interests. … Read more

Sail Al-Kafiri writes: Hate speech from within (3)

The tributaries of hate speech in the contemporary world: 1- The educational system as a competitive, hierarchical and market-related system in its ultimate policy of supply and demand to which scientific and human competencies as commodities are subjected This causes unconscious or conscious bottlenecks caused by individual differences that must be emptied and the individual … Read more

Sail Al-Kfiri writes: Hate speech from within (2)

We can find an important source of hatred among individuals, people and nations in general, namely, the manufacture, dissemination and marketing of hate speech among people by deep decision-making centers, regardless of its manifestations in international politics on the surface we see in media or other discourse. And that’s what world cinema talked about in … Read more

Sail Al-Kfiri writes: Hate speech from within (1)

Hatred is a sense of alienation, resentment and hatred, and may sometimes be accompanied by extreme anger and tension towards the other, any other. It usually leads to an overwhelming desire to avoid, remove or destroy hated people. Hatred may be directed towards a human, animal, food or drink, or towards a large group of … Read more

Join the “Two Clean Words ” campaign to counter hate speech

Hate speech is a murder partner, may kill morally or physically, may kill your brother, sister, or son, may kill you. It is not enough not to participate in the manufacture and promotion of hate speech, but to confront it. With “Two clean words ” from you, “two clean words ” from me, “two clean … Read more

Mufaq Masood writes: Wound in the imagination

Ah, ah… We heard him shouting over, mixed with the sound of his head hitting the edge of the stone vestibule, we were pointing the light of the pale lamp forward, and we didn’t imagine that a bumper stone could hit our heads as we walked for hours In the convolutions of the strange spiral … Read more

Walid Shoaib writes: Feast for Fire

This year’s bitter winter has eaten everything that is burning, liquid or dry, and the blizzard has been embargoing for three days, wiping out the remaining ammunition and supplies! Except for a few potatoes and onions and some loaves of dry bread!. The storm is intensifying, the freezing cold are getting more agitated, the wind … Read more