Rabee Mershed Writes: Hero and Falsehood

The heroism is one of the oldest terminology historically, since man’s self-awareness. It is one of the most regenerative issues to this day, but it changes with changes in time and space, the evolution of thought and inventions: from the stick to the sling, passing through the sword and ending with its fall with the gun… and the rest of the countless killings. The inventor of the gun said, “American Samuel Colt, after his invention was spread and he revolutionize what murder was:” Today the brave is equal to the coward. “ The more a man possesses a powerful and lethal, the less shiner and more shy the heroism becomes, placed in the regular box, and lost some of its ethics; And maybe all of them.

In another context, it is reported that Napoleon Bonaparte was saying: “One knight of the Mamluks, equivalent to ten of my French soldiers”, despite the “heroism” of these Mamluks, but history did not do them justice, but in an unjust way sided with Bonaparte’s “invalidity”, his soldiers with long rifles, and shining pikes.

Heroism _first and above all _ is a moral act, otherwise it is null and void.

Moving on to this era, how can we say: This pilot is a hero, with a push button crushing 100 of the enemies, and who are the enemies?, What a loose word! We have to review the heroism term, gentlemen, and also reconsider the equestrian term, and look for another definition of ethics. We have to ask: “How does time changes the bases of exaltation and pride?, How the sword championship falls to button technology, and how history can accept a heroism that at another time might have been called null and void”.

One child died in a war, worthy of dropping the entire World heroism. A family of five lives who have been displaced from their home and lost in the world will shame this life and turn it into a null. One father holds in his hands his child, who is guilty only because he was born here, by accident or mistake; The world should stand shyly in front of the tear of this heartbreaking father.

If the heroism is not accompanied by a high sense of sentimentality, if this hero does not cry in front of the sight of an amputated child, if he does not interact with a hungry old man, with a bereaved woman, with a grieving sister, with a defeated wife, with a mother crying her own flesh and blood… Their “heroics” will fall to the deep bottom with its immortal tale!!.


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